Zuren en basen

Hi,My name is Lindsay and I am Brittany Haydocks sister. She got me hoeokd on your blog (hilarious). Congratulations on your pregnancy! Little 'Lulu' is adorable and I am sure will make a great big sis. I wanted to post because I have been through what you are going through twice. My hubby and I did IVF three years ago and we had our son. A year after he was born we did a frozen transfer and I became pregnant with our daughter. Early on in the pregnancy I too had bleeding. They did an ultrasound and found a subchorianic hemorrhage/'clot'. I was on bedrest for over a week and then the bleeding stopped and clot shrunk. Same thing happened with my current pregnancy (due in May). Since I have learned how common bleeding is in early pregnancy. I would recommend just staying as positive as possible. It is a really good sign that your HCG is going up. I know it is such an emotional rolleroaster and I wish you nothing but happiness and healthy babies.Good luck and enjoy your downtime before baby is born!
Hi,My name is Li
ndsay and I am B
rittany Haydocks
sister. She got
me hoeokd on you
r blog (hilariou
s). Congratulat
ions on your pre
gnancy! Little
'Lulu' is adorab
le and I am sure
will make a grea
t big sis. I wa
nted to post bec
ause I have been
through what you
are going throug
h twice. My hub
by and I did IVF
three years ago
and we had our s
on. A year afte
r he was born we
did a frozen tra
nsfer and I beca
me pregnant with
our daughter. E
arly on in the p
regnancy I too h
ad bleeding. Th
ey did an ultras
ound and found a
subchorianic hem
I was on bedrest
for over a week
and then the ble
eding stopped an
d clot shrunk.
Same thing happe
ned with my curr
ent pregnancy (d
ue in May). Sin
ce I have learne
d how common ble
eding is in earl
y pregnancy. I
would recommend
just staying as
positive as poss
ible. It is a r
eally good sign
that your HCG is
going up. I kno
w it is such an
emotional roller
oaster and I wis
h you nothing bu
t happiness and
healthy babies.G
ood luck and enj
oy your downtime
before baby is b